Saturday, July 25, 2015

Blogging for Books: The Mapmaker's Children

Blogging for books is such a fun collaboration!!  If I could get through books as quickly as I would like (jobs and life just ruin everything! ;) ), I would have read and written WAY more reviews than I have.

In case you missed them, thanks to my sporadic blogging habits, here are the first two books that I've reviewed:

I just finished reading The Mapmaker's Children by Sarah McCoy, and I wanted to get my post about it done right way!  I'm happy to report that after an, "eh" experience with The Thirteenth Gift and not enjoying Flipped, I LOVED this book!


First of all, if you've been around here for any length of time, I think you probably know that I am in love with historical fiction.  While my obsession has mostly centered around the English courts in Philippa Gregory's novels, I'm pretty much a sucker for all things historical fiction.  

The Mapmaker's Children weaves together the tales of Sarah Brown, daughter of abolitionist, John Brown, and Eden Anderson.  Sarah's story takes place in the late 1850's and early 1860's, and Eden's story occurs in 2014.  I was immediately taken with Sarah, and was disappointed when I had to leave the past and return to the present.  Eden was very unlikable to me, at first.  She was grouchy, mean, and kind of whiny.  One of the best parts of reading this book was following Eden as she grew and changed throughout the story.  I loved how McCoy connected the past and the present.  As details of the past unfolded, many things became clear in the present.  I ended up giving this book 5 stars on because it moved me to tears.  That's an automatic 5 star rating to me!

After struggling to like Eden's character at the beginning, I was disappointed that her story seemed to end abruptly.  I wasn't completely satisfied with the resolution and conclusion for her.

Overall, I highly recommend this book!  I was left feeling mostly satisfied with its conclusion, and I am actually very curious to learn more about the real life of Sarah Brown!
What have you been reading lately?


Kristin said...

I have a Blogging for Books book from FEBRUARY sitting on the shelf. I just don't feel like reading it and I was never overly impressed with their selection so oh well...
I've been reading a ton. I just finished The Good Girl and I'm attempting Go Set a Watchman but I'm not crazy about it. I'm also listening to Saint Anything and it's a good YA story.

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